Kelly + Rob
Kelly was born and raised in a home right on Lake Ontario in upstate New York. She spent summers water skiing, boating, jet skiing and sunbathing. So when Rob decided to propose, to Kelly, he knew it had to be at the lake.
Concerned his planned proposal was going to get washed out, the rain stopped just in time. He and Kelly went down to the West Barrier Pier to watch Kelly’s brother get his senior photos taken. Of course, he and I both knew that’s not why they were there. So, just as those finished up, it was Rob’s turn.
He got down on one knee, reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box that flew out of his hand and into the lake! Kelly did not know what to do. Rob pretended that it was the ring, knowing all along it was an empty box.
Fortunately for Rob, Kelly said “Yes” when he finally pulled out the real ring.