Because you don't get married everyday, you may not know what goes into a wedding day.

Below I've estimated out the amount of time to give your photographer to get the most out of your day!

Time Estimates


You've spent so much time planning your details from your invitations to your dress. Make sure you give your photographer time to capture them in a beautiful way!


Getting Ready & Bridal Portraits

Remember these precious moments of your friends and family helping you get ready on your special day. Make sure to leave enough time for your photographer to pop over to the groom's location too
(Or plan for a Second Shooter)

1 Hour

First Look

Are you doing a first look? It could be with your dad, your bridesmaids, your groom, or all of the above!


Couple Portraits

If you're doing a first look with your groom, your photographer will most likely go straight into take some portraits of the two of you then. Depending on the time of day they may want to pull you to take a few more at Golden Hour / Sunset.


Bridal Party

You'll want to take pictures of the Bride with just her bridesmaids and the Groom with just his groomsmen, then shots of everyone together.


Reception Details

The reception space isn't often set up when the photographer first arrives in the morning. A quick break between photos and the ceremony is the perfect time for your photographer to snag those shots before the reception fills up with people.



This all depends on you!

When choosing the time for your ceremony make sure you pay attention to when the sunsets at that time of year!

You don't want to plan it for 5:00pm if the sunsets at 6:00pm, there wont be anytime for photos after.

Average is 30min

Family Formals

This can be one of the more stressful times for your photographer, especially if people have already started drinking.

Make sure you have full lists of your family photos typed out for your photographer in advance.



First Dances, Toasts, Cake Cutting, Open Dance

No one likes photos of themselves eating - During dinner your Photographer will take a break and eat dinner while you eat (Make sure to save them and their team a plate!)


Sunset Photos

The best lighting is called "Golden Hour" - that is the hour right before the sun sets. Remember to pay attention to the time the sunsets for the time of year you're planning your wedding.
*Leave time after your ceremony for more photos!

15min - 30min


Sparkilers, Bubbles, Biodegradable Confetti, there's so many fun ways to exit your wedding.

Pay attention to the amount of hours you've contracted your photographer for - you may want to shoot your exit an hour or so before your reception is over.


Sample April Timeline

Sunset 7:58pm

Bridal Prep 2:00-2:30

Groom Prep/Details 2:00-2:30

Travel to KFV 2:30-3:00

Bridal Details 3:00-3:30

Bride's Dressing 3:30-4:00

First Look and Bridal Portraits 4:00-4:30

Bridal Party 4:30-5:00

Break/Reception Details 5:00-5:30

Ceremony 5:30-6:00

Family Formals 6:00-6:20

Bride&Groom Join Cocktail Hour 6:20-7:00

Sunset Photos 7:00-7:15

Reception 7:25-10:30

Sample December Timeline

Sunset 4:47pm

Bride Prep/Details 11:00-12:30

Groom Prep/Details 12:30-1:00

Bride Dressing 1:00-1:30

First Look with Parents 1:30-1:45

Groom + Groomsmen 1:30-2:00

Bride + Bridesmaids 2:00-2:30

Break/Reception Details 2:30-3:00

Ceremony 3:00-3:30

Family Formals 3:30-3:50

Entire Bridal Party 3:50-4:00

Bride and Groom 4:00-4:30

Reception 4:30-8:00 

Mach Sparkler Exit 7:50